Monday, March 2, 2009

cool stripes hat pattern for those who would like it.

Here is the site with that COOL STRIPES pattern I am using to make most of the hats:

I am just using this as a base for the hats I'm making...
also I leave the flaps and tie off....
and I use the colors and stitches as I like...

Hats made in February

Well I didn't get on here much in February,
but I did make hats.....

I made a total of 16 hats in February!!

All February's hats were made using the COOL STRIPES pattern I have shown before as a guide. I just got creative and added stripes and lines where I wanted to. I find that the hats go a lot quicker if I make them different colors and designs rather than trying to make all one solid (boring) color!
You can even see some of the hats are made with many different colors as a way to use up scraps while making a fun colorful hat!
Here are the hats in groups so you can see more of the colors and details I used:
total hats made = 35
17 more hats to make 52.
Happy hat making to you!!!
